What Is the Universe Trying to Tell Me Quiz

Xx-five years agone, I was taught how to mind to the universe and am here to share my knowledge with you.

If you stop and listen, you can learn how to read and interpret signs from the universe.

If you finish and listen, you can learn how to read and interpret signs from the universe.

Is the Universe Giving You a Sign? Stop and Mind to the Whispers of the Universe

The universe is talking to y'all every 24-hour interval of your life. Its messages are very clear and for your eyes or ears only. Yet, nigh people take been missing these messages for most of their lives. We simply don't see or hear most of these messages. A few letters actually get through, but these are past complete take a chance, and most people dismiss them as sheer coincidence.

However, there are no coincidences. These messages are directed correct at you from the universe, and each and every one of the messages is for your benefit.

The Universe Is Shouting at Yous

Some days, the universe is literally shouting at you, but you lot are and then wrapped upwards in your little world that you fail to observe. The universe doesn't talk directly to you but does information technology in subtle ways. It tin be a whisper, breeze, song on the radio, TV advert or something that attracts our attending. Your job is to pick up on these messages. They are articulate and very precise, but it might too exist in a foreign language for all the discover we take of them.

The 21st Century Provides Enough of Distractions

You might have a problem, and the universe is telling you the reply by playing songs on the motorcar radio that incorporate the answer in the lyrics or song championship. Or, as you are driving along, the respond is written on huge advertisements displayed along the roadside.

However, we don't make the connection. Nosotros are too wrapped up in our daily life, busy chasing coin, completing to-do lists and all the other distractions of the 21st century. All we have to practice is stop for a few minutes and only listen. Only when nosotros are always running 10 minutes behind schedule, finding a few minutes seems an incommunicable task.

Take We Turned the Universe Off?

Equally humans, we seem to take "lost" or "forgotten" many skills downwards the generations. Nosotros have non been taught certain skills, either on purpose or simply because they have not been passed down. As a result, we are missing out on many things. Nosotros are so wrapped up in our ain trivial world that we miss the universe's big motion picture and many of the wonderful things life has to offering.

In the past, people understood and knew how to interpret these various signs and symbols from the universe, and whole tribes, such equally those of the Native American Indians, would follow these signs without question.

Strange Coincidences and Déjà Vu

About people have moments in their lives when strange things happen to them. Something prompts an thought that is the reply to their problems, although they don't know where information technology came from. They think it is pure coincidence or peradventure a bear upon of déjà vu. All they have done is received a message from the universe and for once acted on information technology.

People call back it's a one-off, a quirk of fate, but if they had realized that this is one of many messages from the universe, they could tap into a great knowledge, the sole purpose of which is to give you the all-time in life.

In today's busy world, we are not tuned in and prepared to listen to the signs presented by the universe.

In today's busy world, nosotros are non tuned in and prepared to heed to the signs presented by the universe.

Learning to Listen to the Universe

All you lot accept to do is to take time to listen and watch for the signs; information technology'south equally simple as that. The signs are everywhere, and it's e'er the right answer. If you lot see an advert on TV several times in one evening about looking after the elderly, this is probably a message from the universe for you to contact your parents to see if they are okay.

If yous keep hearing lyrics to Craig David's song "Walking Abroad" ("I'm walking away from the troubles in my life; I'm walking away oh to find a better twenty-four hour period") everywhere you go, information technology could be the universe telling yous information technology'due south time to movement on in a problematic area of your life. Do you go on hitting lots of red traffic lights? Well, mayhap the universe is telling you to slow down and bulldoze more carefully.

Universe FM Is Broadcasting to You lot 24/seven

The universe is similar a radio station broadcasting 24/vii for your whole life. However, you demand to learn how to tune in to the broadcasts. You don't need any specialised equipment to tune in. All you have to practise is exist enlightened that it's in that location and keep an ear and an eye open for the letters - it's that simple.

Now, the bulletin might be delivered to you in all sorts of different means. Information technology might be a vocal on the radio, an advertizement on the Idiot box, a line in a film, an overheard conversation, an commodity in a mag or newspaper, or fifty-fifty in a book that cruel off a shelf in a bookshop. The universe fifty-fifty sends you letters in your nightly dreams. Exist open to being contacted.

Ringlet to Go on

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Larn How to Enquire the Universe Questions

While the universe is giving you messages all the time, you lot can ask information technology questions as well. To get this to work, you lot have to exist a real believer in the universe, just you can endeavour it out. Inquire a question, and wait and watch out for a reply. The answer may come as a line in a vocal on the radio or Tv advert, for instance.

If you have a few minutes to try a unproblematic experiment - most people have an iPod these days with at to the lowest degree a couple of hundred songs stored on them. Put your iPod into shuffle style, inquire the universe a question, then printing play. The answer could be the title of the next song or the first couple of lines of the lyrics.

Yous might be quite surprised by the results. Then over again, you might be freaked out or just totally disbelieving - it'due south worth giving it a attempt. Ask sensible questions, and make them clear and precise.

Interpreting messages from the universe can help save your life.

Interpreting messages from the universe can aid save your life.

My Experience Interpreting Messages From the Universe

I was taught by a Native American Indian nurse to heed to the universe 25 years ago while in infirmary, and I have been totally amazed at where these messages accept taken me and how they've helped me. For example, in the final decade, my wellness slipped ever so slightly. I had diverse aches and pains, put on a few extra pounds, felt every bit if my eyesight was on the way and had slight trouble hearing, to name a few ailments.

In that location was zippo too serious, and I put it downwards to the onset of middle age. I idea I was just getting onetime. But the arthritis in my left knee was getting worse, so I asked the universe to make me healthy again.

A few weeks afterwards, I was in a local bookstore, just generally looking around. In betwixt ii rows of bookshelves, a book had fallen on the floor, and so I picked it up to pop it dorsum on a shelf. The volume was about ancient remedies and old wives' tales, which I thought was a fleck foreign as I was in the sci-fi and thriller section of the store.

As I lifted the volume up, it flopped open to a page that somebody had read several times already by the way the book opened. It was all virtually different blood groups and certain medical problems associated with each blood group. Curiosity got the meliorate of me, so I checked out my blood group (O negative) and found that thyroid bug were very common.

Back at habitation, I remembered that my female parent has thyroid problems, so I decided to check out the symptoms on the cyberspace. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I had many of the symptoms associated with a thyroid effect.

To cut a long story short, a year afterwards and with suitable natural medication, I was back to perfect health with good eyesight, no pains at all, and lost all the extra weight I was carrying - I really feel almost 20 years younger. Thyroid issues in men are quite rare.

At present, you have to ask yourself - did the universe give me various letters to help me get ameliorate, or was information technology but by pure chance?

Ask, and You lot Will Receive

I ask the universe all the time for articulate, traffic-free roads, no queues at supermarket checkouts, simply nice clients calling me at piece of work and of course, parking spaces. Start simply by asking for corking parking spaces, and come across how you get on. You lot have to believe in the universe, and it will evangelize. You also still accept to heed for those messages likewise. Just like crossing the route, to hear the universe, you demand to stop, look and listen . . .

Now, delight leave a annotate below if you have had any helpful messages from the universe . . .

© 2010 Midnight Oil

Marc Hubs from United Kingdom on January 12, 2016:

I accept no doubts any that this is absolutely true, although I but began to realize it recently. That was after going downward a path of spiritual enlightenment/ascension over the concluding few years and after having success with the police force of attraction and associated techniques - I didn't even realize that at first but over the years it has all gradually added up to putting me in the position where I had wanted to exist. Some of the messages I have received from the universe have been so baroque, surreal and "in your [my] face" that what you've stated hither in your hub has become admittedly undeniable. I have also been experiencing a multitude of paranormal phenomena over the final few years and I now realize why that is. All very surreal and information technology was kind of scary at first but I now realize how awesome beingness is! Thank you for the hub. If simply more people would take notice of the signs.

Gretchen on September xiv, 2015:

I plant this article to be extremely helpful. I have been noticing what I think are signs and thinking the Universe has been talking to me quite alot for the last few years. My friends think I am crazy. I tried the simple experiment you listed and it didn't freak me out, but it did bring tears to my eyes. Complete affidavit that what I think I'thousand hearing and seeing is really what I thought it was. Thanks :)

Ely on April xv, 2015:

Cheers for your wonderful commodity.

Like most readers,I have a fair share of my ongoing seeing/hearing from our Universe.I met this wonderful man eight years ago.I never have whatsoever special feelings for him after we met for one twelvemonth.All the same,I suffered from flashbacks (ie., the time we both spent on our holiday).I ignored those flashbacks coz he has a girlfriend & I do not intend to hurt others.One night,I was browsing our holiday photos & one photo stood out.A picture show tells a one thousand stories & this particular photo of united states both took me by surprised.I tin can't believed what I was looking at,the photo was a photograph of a luvly couple.I looked at the photo & told myself "If he is my destiny than bear witness me".Afterward much hesitation,I had enough couraged to text him & expressed to him that I take some feelngs for him.Information technology took him 2 hours to reply past saying that he treats me like a sister.Strangely,I did not cry over his text coz deep in my center I knew he lied.I moved on with my life past travelling effectually the globe alone & amazingly,I saw his name or heard his proper name in all the countries that I visited.Even the books that I bought while travelling has his name.I felt that he was with me all the fourth dimension I was alone.I never had such experiences from my previous relationships.Until today,I came acrossed his name while reading the online & publish media.I took your wise communication today; asked a question to the Universe than shuffle & press play on my mobile songs.The vocal was "Glory of Love" past Peter Cetera! I honestly recollect,this song defines our inner feeling for each other.He can endeavour to supressed this feeling but he tin't supressed our true destiny in life.I take not contacted him for almost vii years.I believed that if destiny/universe brings us both together so allow destiny/universe unite us again.

bluelotus on July 23, 2014:

I was seeing someone for nearly two years. Many signs were presented during our relationship, (his last name is closely related to my mother's maiden name, we share the same family unit crest, his best friend died and I knew the story because Iused to trip the light fantastic with his friend'due south parents, we had an intense connectedness, so many similarities in our personalities, same calling in our jobs, when I was looking for apartments shut to work, I was turned downwards past many and concluded upward existence offered ane upwards the street from him, it appeared like magic and I wasn't even looking for a identify in his town). Well, when he broke it off with no explanation except fright (panic attacks), we accept remained in contact via text and by telephone. He has since bought a new home, still within a mile from me. The most recent sign is that the house had been on the market for over a yr. It is not the first he bid on, the one he wanted was given to another family unit in Apr just did not shut until my birthday and his home closed four days later on my girl'south birthday. The sign was that the people he bought the house from shared my maiden name. Now I am then sure that we belong together that I tin not allow him go. I accept never had such an intense reaction to the loss of a relationship. He is in my thoughts daily and no thing his avoidance and apparent coldness toward me, I can not be mad or angry with him and he always comes around. He says he does not want the relationship merely at the same time he sees me albeit infrequently and keeps me informed on a nigh daily ground of his comings and goings. I believe the universe is keeping us connected until the timing is right. Thoughts?

Mark on May 25, 2014:

Hi, I broke upward with my girlfriend, two months ago. She said, that she has no feelings for me. Simply in the last time what happened is very very strange: Normally I don't scout TV, but as I watched in two or 3 different Television receiver series, the girls returned to their boyfriends. In our paper was an article with the headline: Back to the ex ( it was about a football coach, which went back to his old footballclub). I saw a women driving in my town, which looks similar the mother of my ex. I opened a link, which was about train journeys in the country, where my girlfriend came from. First picture show: The region where she is from. I saw in my facebook timeline: Don't give upward on me, withal. As the heading of a flavor of a Telly Serial. And a lot more.

Ali on May 23, 2014:

Speaking of signs from the universe as I was done reading this commodity and gave information technology thumbs up the numbers 789 and 711 showed upward.

Thank You lot!

2d love on April 20, 2014:

i love this article

Someone on January 29, 2014:

I ask this considering I have been aware of strange signs that make me scared. Do not know what to do.

Someone on January 29, 2014:


How can we exist certain that every message is for our benefit? Recently I have been doubting this. Nifty article.

Thank you

shan on January 27, 2014:

I am ever paying attending to signs I come across or hear from the universe. There is one sign in particular that keeps coming up everywhere I go. I always see the proper name JC. I know two JCs in my life and both take been thought of in a romantic mode in my life. I will see the name in a license plate, a store, hear the name on the radio, etc. The most common i I encounter is the license plate. It doesn't matter where I am. Every single twenty-four hours I will see a license plate with JC and on summit of it I will e'er hear a certain song that reminds me of one of the JCs. That song will come on repeatedly. Even more interesting, the song will normally come on whenever I think of one of the JCs. I merely tin can't figure out what the universe is trying to tell me.

immature adult female on Nov ten, 2013:

thanks this is astonishing.

living in a new country and not dealing information technology with all that well. merely i experience like the universe and spirit sometimes is telling me things (peculiarly when im super downwardly), only i don't know how to translate it. tin you requite a listing of examples of other signs you have received and how yous interpret them, too how to enquire, how you lot apply them. much appreciated.

James Mandolare from Hudson Falls New York Us on January 11, 2013:

I agree that meaningful coincidences are signs and we should strive to figure out what they are trying to tell united states of america. I also think they operate on a subconscious symbolic level. They exert a power to subtly outcome our thoughts by clan. This simply works if we are enlightened of them and to a much lesser caste if we don't detect them. I was inspired to write my first "Hub" past hearing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" in the car and inside the store I heard "Instant Karma." Both are John Lennon tunes and I am a great gentleman of John Lennon and his work. I didn't realize it at the time, although I noticed the synchronicity, simply the image of Lucy in the Sky made me think of seeing my sister'due south spirit in the heaven and instant Karma fabricated me become off my donkey and finally finish signing up and write it. (See my "Art of Spirit" hubs. and Thx again for this inspiring and well written Hub.

James Mandolare from Hudson Falls New York U.s.a. on January 10, 2013:

Right on! The Universe intimately and personally cares virtually each ane of us and sends us these meaningful coincidences and synchronicities to guide the states and whisper to us that we are one through inner awareness. It'south all live within and all connected!

"I am that I am!" God said to Moses.

"I remember therefor I am." Said Decartes

Just I say: "I am therefor I recollect!"

As I say in ane of my songs:

"Did you ever see it happen to you lot

Somewhere deep within?

Did y'all e'er hear it whisper to you

F from up there in the sky?

Information technology'due south just coincidence they tell me,

Only I'll just take my chances

At that place'south more to information technology

Than meets the eye."

Thank you for sharing your spirit path with u.s.. If you lot'd like to read virtually mine-I welcome you to "Life of Spirit."

Sophia Latour from Miami, Florida on November 22, 2012:

Im so glad you wrote this! I have been having a whole bunch of coincidences and I somehow felt they were connected. Like something is trying to tell me something. And I idea I was crazy or perhaps I could be, possibly it is really a coincidence who knows. Like for example I did what y'all said and pressed shuffle on my iPod and the songs were The pursuit and The agreement those were the title to their albums. Do y'all recall the "universe" is trying to tell me something?

Midnight Oil (writer) from Isle of Man UK on September 17, 2012:

Remember: All you take to do is to take time to listen and watch for the signs, information technology'due south equally simple as that. The signs are everywhere, and it'south always the right reply.

twocupswithtee from Chesterfield, MI on September 06, 2012:

I accept always been fascinated by coincidences. I experience they are the "guiders" of the path....the path you should exist on. Coincidences make y'all cease and ponder for a minute or a long while if information technology'due south an incredible coincidence! I know the more than coincidences surrounding one discipline, the more likely it is you lot're on the right path. This is true in every day life and in relationships. Being serenity takes much practise, simply is so worth the fourth dimension. I accept also found that getting the correct amount of sleep truly helps in the "hearing" of the Universe. Corking Hub! Thank you for the reminder!!!

Jing on August xx, 2012:

Hahaha! Approximate what! I read your article and and then decided to try information technology myself so I went to a random radio channel request the Universe to show me some signs. And the songs playing were: Not Over Yous - Gavin DeGraw and Keep Your Optics Open - Taylor Swift

Midnight Oil (writer) from Island of Human being Britain on August 02, 2012:

Cheers for taking out fourth dimension to write a comment - most appreciated.

I am Universe FM'due south No.one fan...!!!

Did yous ask your iPod questions ? Did you get a tangible respond??

Riviera Rose from South of France on August 02, 2012:

Loved this hub, Midnight Oil, and especially the concept of Universe FM. I'll melody it to information technology more intently from at present on...

snowdrops from The Second Star to the Right on May 18, 2012:

Yes..End Await and Listen doesn't e'er mean crossing the street. sometimes nosotros accept to delve in much deeper and listen to our surround. There are answers surrounding us. All we need is to sympathise.

Cheers for this hub! voted up and all.

Midnight Oil (writer) from Isle of Man Great britain on May 17, 2012:

Hullo Mike - clearly the Universe was most certainly tell you something !! That chore was not for you. But I promise it finds yous a decent job real soon - continue watching & listening !!

mike on May 17, 2012:

Hello - had an appointemnt yesterday for a task (the task would involve driving November December at night in rural Wales) - wrote fourth dimension in my diary and turned upwards - but when got there institute out that I should take been in that location an hr earlier - for some reason had missread the appt fourth dimension - they agreed to see me again the next day - turned up and earlier I went in I noticed that page of i of my documents was missing - but I went in anyway - simply to detect that the venue for the meeting had been changed. My wife said that it was ajob I wa snot meant to accept - henc eme looking at this site.

Midnight Oil (author) from Island of Human being UK on May 02, 2012:

Some days, the universe is literally shouting at you, but you are so wrapped upwardly in your little earth that you fail to observe.

Midnight Oil (author) from Island of Man Uk on April thirty, 2012:

Stop and Mind to the Whispers of the Universe...

Midnight Oil (author) from Isle of Man UK on Apr 25, 2012:

Are you listening to Universe FM : Broadcasting to you lot 24/7? If not, why not? It only broadcasts to you...

Martha Rewi on March 28, 2012:

HiDavid, you are so right virtually the universe hearing your wish, and making it come truthful, lately I have experienced in such a short fourth dimension after watching the move "The Secret" past

Rhonda Byrne. I have smashing car parks, no heavy traffic jams, had an appointment planned eventually to better my self esteem, just really skillful things accept happened, all by listening, watching, and trusting the universe.

Dana on January 30, 2012:

Interesting how the universe guides one, who knew I would be reading a "hub" (not sure what a hub is really) during a night where I should be fast asleep, but hither I am. Haven't really looked at your webpage, other than concur with your "listen to the universe" bulletin, which by the way is spot on. I wish you clarity in your requests/questions/acceptance of the universal response during this New year's day and beyond. BTW, my question on the fountain of all knowledge (a.k.a. the web) was: open to what the universe sends your way. I was looking for a vocal that fit my frame of mind and constitute your hub :)

Midnight Oil (writer) from Isle of man U.k. on January 29, 2012:

The universe asked me to come up dorsum and re-visit this hub, perhaps to remind me to heed more... Are you listen now?

Midnight Oil (author) from Isle of Man United kingdom on December 29, 2011:

The universe is the universe & non a sentient being(south)

Sharon Storm from Mid West on April 06, 2011:

Dear Midnight Oil...In your view is the universe a sentient being? If so is it omnipotent? If so is it a deity? If it is none of these what is information technology? Thank you from a curious woman who has a different belief.

msorensson on January 17, 2011:

Y'all were very fortunate to have met that American Indian nurse, simply also wise to have learned from her.

It takes a lot of practise of surrender in club to actually heed. I am glad you do.

I enjoyed the hub, David. Cheers.

Midnight Oil (writer) from Isle of Homo UK on December 29, 2010:

I asked the universe for nice comments and got them. Thanks everybody, it makes information technology all worth while.

ZACH on Dec 27, 2010:

Great stuff, I listen to the Universe everyday and base my life around it. At the moment the universe has me trying some crazy things lol... Thank you for the commodity.


Ashantina on December 27, 2010:

I then enjoyed reading this. Like you, I am ever aware of coincidences and constantly go along my eyes and ears open to signs and guidance. I totally Believe in the constabulary of 'ask and it is given'..

Fantastic hub!!!

noturningback from Edgewater, MD. The states on December 27, 2010:

There is more to life than what we call up we know. Perception is not always reality and reality has limitations.

I believe in the living God, who has no limitations and I know he has reached out to me.

MCAT4 from New Zealand on December 27, 2010:

"Thumbs up" to you Midnight Oil! I can definitely put my print on that i... now tell me, have y'all heard the "hum" of late considering wow... it'southward getting pretty loud out in that location huh?! Thanks for sharing.

imatellmuva from Somewhere in Baltimore on December 27, 2010:

This is and then on signal!!! My Grandmother used to say, "Recognize the Signs!" I asked, "How do you lot know what to lookout man for?" She just said, "Await Harder!"

I sooo believe in this! Of course we have no control of the sign(s), so when it's not favorable (so we think) nosotros dismiss information technology! AND yeah, some things are by chance, nosotros accept to be able to discern between sign and hazard. I think this is impossible to do at times. And yep...signs arrive in many different ways, similar the book falling to the flooring, and your learning about your thyroid condition. *Glad that you're better!!**

I like your manner of writing!!! Happy Hubbing!!!


Source: https://exemplore.com/new-age-metaphysics/The-Universe-is-Taking-to-You-But-Are-You-Listening

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